Tuesday, May 15, 2007

waiting for what's next

When do we stop waiting for what's next? I remember being so excited to turn 13, to go to high school, to drive, to graduate from CHCA, now it's waiting to graduate from college (which is 214 days away in case you were wondering), waiting to get my first real job, to get married some day, to have kids. When do we get to just be content with where we're at, or do we always just want to move on to the next stage of life? When will I stop thinking that everything will be perfect as soon as...... Right now, all I can think about is how ready I am to be done with school, move in to my own apartment, and start a real job. The thought of 214 more days of classes, projects, exams, finals, working in the pool at the Y, and being teased because I like to go to bed at 10:30 and wake up at 6 makes me sick to my stomach. But I guess that's life, and hopefully it will fly by.

Yesterday was probably the first day ever at the Y where I didn't leave with a funny kid story or a good Pierre story. My kids were all as normal as kids can be, and when I wasn't teaching Pierre and I just sat and talked about why people keep quitting aquacise because there are two instructors that aren't good. One of the ladies did say that I'm the only instructor who actually looks like they should be teaching an exercise class. Totally made my day, most likely my entire week. Completely superficial, but it was definitely my motivation to drag myself out of bed early this morning to run. Lets hope the Y gives me a good story tonight.

1 comment:

Ms. Theophilus said...

Cool blog, Mindy. I guess you stop waiting for what's next when what's next either isn't known or isn't as attractive as where you're at now...that's kind of the stage I'm at right now--my "to do" list is done, but I'm to apprehensive about the future--getting old and saying goodbye are my next life stages, so they're not nearly as exciting as all the big things God has planned for you in the next decade! Do try to enjoy this time, it is a gift to be single, as Paul says. Easier said than done, but worth trying :)