Thursday, May 24, 2007


I spent a lot of time at doctors offices today. My sports medicine guy, Dr. Krauss (who is excellent if you ever need to see a sports med guy), the MRI place, and a regular doctor. Good news is that all the stress fractures I had last year are 100% healed and look great. Bad news is that I may have a tear in my medial meniscus, which usually requires surgery to fix. I thought it was just a good case of runners knee, but he's not so sure, so I had an MRI today and I'll get the results back in a few days. I don't even really care what is wrong, and I hope the MRI shows something so that it can be fixed and maybe I'll get a glimpse of pain free life. The irony is that a year ago today I had my cast put on. Apparently my body likes to fall apart in the month of may. Other not so good news is that I've been dizzy the past 3 days, and last night I fainted and had a short seizure, and fainted again at the doctors office when I stood up after my MRI. Turns out, I'm just really worn out and this is my body's way of telling me to rest, eat, and drink lots and lots of water. So if anyone's bored this weekend and wants to hang out and do "low key" activities, give me a call!

1 comment:

Ms. Theophilus said...

Here's hoping it's just runner's knee (got a classic case myself right now). Take care of YOU! As powerful as running feels, you can't let it run you over...wanna hang out sometime on Saturday?