Saturday, May 26, 2007

frozen grapes

I go on random food kicks. Anyone who's ever lived with me knows about it. There was the grilled cheese kick, peanut butter, egg whites and salsa, pickles, carrots, and lately it's frozen grapes. All I want to eat is frozen purple grapes, nothing else sounds good. Frozen green ones are too sour. I'm going through three bags of grapes a week! I guess being addicted to grapes is better than when I was addicted to peanut butter though.

I got to hang out with the Taylor's today, which was so fun! I love to spend time with families just hanging out. I was only there for four hours, but I've been so exhausted the past few days that I came home and took at 3 hour nap. That's ok though, I'm supposed to rest, and it was good to get out of the apartment and have some fun.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Glad you could come! Gotta try the frozen hard do they get?