Sunday, September 23, 2007

So frustrated.

I'm having a really frustrating morning. I didn't wake up in time to read through the kids lesson one last time if I wanted to be at church early, which I did because I don't like feeling rushed. But we were rushed because some people ran pretty late this morning so we didn't have the help we needed. Then the kids were a little rambucious this morning so it was hard to teach effectively. Then I'm just a girl and have a hard time realizing when I'm letting my imagination run with things and get disappointed when I get hit with reality. So I came home to eat lunch and just calm my mind. Instead my mom calls and tells me that she just doesn't like the jobs that I'm applying for, that I'm going about it all wrong, and that I'm just going to crash and burn and these jobs are not for me. I really wanted to tell her that maybe she should just pray that I get the right job, but I was crying and pretended like someone was at the door so I could go. I just am really at this point where I just don't understand anything right now. I don't understand my own heart, my family, what I want to do with my life, anything.

1 comment:

Ann said...

(((Hugs))) You know, the kids still absorb stuff even when they're being crazy...and feel free to put Henry in time out if he's being a bugger. Sorry you had a hard landing with reality today...hang in there! Sorry the family isn't more supportive--have you talked to Julie about job stuff? If there is a job that would burn you out it would be hers, so maybe she has some insight you could share with your family...
