Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Morning of realizations

I had some good and some hard realizations this morning. I went to the doctor to review my test results. Basically as of now there's no reason for why I get dizzy, pass out, have seizures, etc. So for now, we're waiting to see. Maybe it will never happen again. If it does, as long as I remember what happened I just need to call them and they'll want to see me. And if I have another one where I don't remember anything that happened I need to go to the ER. My realization from this whole thing is that I have to totally rely on God for what is going on. Right now He's definitely the only one who knows what's going on in my body and I just have to be ok with it. Not so fun realization at the doctor's this morning was that they weighed me, and I am officially the heaviest I have ever been. That wasn't fun. I also realized what I need to do with work. I need to only teach aquacise 3 days a week for an hour. I get to tell my interim boss that tomorrow. I'm pretty freaked out. But I need to stop trying to make everyone happy and do what I need to do.

1 comment:

Kim said...

((hugs)) I pray that God gives you peace in the midst of the unknown. I pray too that He would heal your body completely. Love you!