Thursday, September 27, 2007


I am having a real breakdown the last few days, which culminated tonight in a few hours of crying and venting. I just feel like when I was a little girl and I would play with my dolls and stuffed animals and I would be sitting in the middle with a big mess all around me and I couldn't figure out how to stand up without stepping on something. I am sitting here staring at the mess that I've made of time management, my school work, my spiritual walk, guy issues, future plans, and then family which I didn't create but is still a mess in front of me. I think to take care of the time management, school, and spiritual mess I will have to make a slightly bigger mess of one of the other things. I just feel like I'm falling apart a little bit, well, a lot a bit. I know that I should be turning to God, it's really my only option. I'm just feeling so spiritually dry lately that it's hard. Hence why I'm feeling so lost.


Ann said...

(((Hugs))) Let me know if I can help or if you want to talk!

Kim said...

ditto. Hope you see the silver lining soon....