Wednesday, November 7, 2007

So much learning, so little time

I had coffee with Halie this morning, always a blast. We're both feeling like God is teaching us so much, so fast. I'm re-reading one of my favorite books, Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul right now. It's one of those books that is incredibly life changing every time you read it (in case you're curious, this is my 4th read). This week I'm reading the chapter on humility, and really digging in to what the Bible says about humility. Here's a little excerpt from the book:

Humility brings us to God not out of obligation, but out of gratitude. Humility demands nothing of God nor in any way would ever consider claiming any rights or position. When we humble ourselves, we choose the place of least honor and allow God to call us to any role of servanthood He might desire. Humility begins with an emptying of ourselves so that we can receive from God all that we need for the journey.

I thought a lot about letting God put me in any role he wants, even if it's not "fun" or something I think I'm really good at. I have a lot more thoughts about that, which could take up way too much room in this blog, so if you want to know, ask.

Also, the job situation. In the end, I decided not to take the position at Vision of Hope because it would mean me leaving RVC entirely for one year. Both me and the director thought that wouldn't be good for me, there's no reason to leave a good healthy church where you're learning and connected. But I am going to volunteer there, and start working on my NANC certification, which is biblical counseling. Luckly, Faith is one of the national training centers. Hopefully in a year or so they'll need another staff person who doesn't live in the house, which could be me! God taught me a lot in the midst of all that decision making and intense angst. As soon as I finished talking with the director, I picked up my phone to call Sarah but realized she was in Florida so put it down. Then I went to call Lauren, and Emily, both of whom were busy and couldn't talk. God really taught me a lot about running straight to Him first and talking all of my thoughts out. I learned a lot about God being my shepherd and leading me. Friends are great, but I need to learn to lean on God a little more, and friends a little less.

I have a lot of stuff stirring in my heart right now. I'm excited to see where God takes it all, because you know it's going to be good!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sounds like you made some sound decisions....go you. I know that God sometimes uses the absence of people to process to make me turn to Him first.