I went to volunteer training for Vision of Hope today. Even if I don't agree 100% with their counseling practices, I was affirmed that this is still a place that I want to be. It was really enlightening to sit there, listening to Jocelyn (the director) talk about what these girls are going through and know that a year ago I was sitting in the exact same place a lot of those girls are. It's amazing how much God can change people. One of the practices they're going to have the girls do in morning devotions is name 15 things they are thankful for each day that haven't been repeated previously. I tried it, and it was amazing the difference it made in my outlook on the day. It took an alright day to great, and I'm going to try it every night. Here's my list for today in no specific order. I'd encourage you to try it, it's amazing how often we forget to be thankful for everything!
1. Getting the first shower this morning so the water was really hot
2. My eggs and pear for breakfast were really delicious
3. There was no line at Walgreens when I ran in for a quick errand
4. When my coffee spilled in the car it missed my khaki's and just spilled on the floor
5. I had time to run several errands before VOH training at 9am
6. I brought my favorite CD with me and had an awesome worship session in the car
7. I hit all green lights and no traffic so I was miraculously not late this morning
8. I don't have to make up my exam I missed today until Wednesday
9. VOH training reaffirmed that God really does heal people completely
10. Panel of grad school people in class offered a lot of insight
11. I had time for a long nap this afternoon
12. I woke up from my nap to the perfect sound of rain
13. I had time to eat lunch before class, which never usually happens
14. I get to watch Brooks and Raya tonight, I miss them so much after a week!
15. The weather is the perfect temperature for open windows.