Saturday, October 20, 2007

Great day

Friday was a great day. After my hardest and busiest week of the semester which included 3 exams and 3 projects due plus some extra stuff for the Crisis Center and church this week, Friday at 9:30 am I could finally relax and sleep. I laid on the couch for a while and watched Greys Anatomy and Private Practice, got up and made some lunch, had coffee with Emily which is always awesome, took a 3 hour nap, taught swim lessons and the kids were all in good moods, then went out to dinner and mini-golfing with Eric which was the highlight of the day. Turns out I am really bad at mini golf, and he isn't much better. But I did make the hole in one at the end where you hit it in the clown's mouth! It was a day full of great things.

AND...I had two different people call me wanting to interview me for a job! They both called while I was at work, so I didn't get the message till after 6 when they had left, but I'll call them back first thing Monday. Anyways, the people who called. The first is Debra Corn Agency, Inc. It's a foster care and adoption agency in town. Their little tag line is "treating the whole child in a broken world." I'm pretty pumped about that because from all the research I've done it seems pretty awesome. Vision of Hope also called. That's a new residential treatment center for women that Faith Baptist is opening in December. Also really cool. This one might be more of a stretch because I would have to complete some more school to earn a professional counseling degree, which I don't really want to do. But it sure doesn't hurt to do the interview and find out more. Still praying that God will bring me to the right job.


Ann said...

What an exciting week! I know God has just the right job for you, at just the right time :)

Kim said...

That's so great Mindy! Glad things are looking up!