Monday, October 22, 2007


I was doing my quiet time this morning, going through a Kay Arthur study on the Beatitudes titled "Lord, only you can change me." One line at the end of today's part really got me thinking.

If God withdrew from you, from your church, from your ministry, what difference would it make?

I was so mad at my initial reaction. I immediately thought, I'd keep on going, I'd make it work. That's so not it Mindy! If God isn't the focal point of your life, church, ministry, etc., it shouldn't even be able to function anymore. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I have to do and performing that I completely lose my dependency on God. It was a big eye opener. How much am I trying to do on my own power? The answer is sadly, a lot. I think this is a question that I'm going to need to be asking myself a lot, probably daily, from now on. If God wasn't a part this day, what difference would it make?

Oh, and one more happy tidbit of news: I have an interview Thursday afternoon with Debra Corn Agency, Inc. for a position where I could start part time now and switch to full time in January.


Kim said...

Cool lesson. Good luck on the interview! Sounds promising.

Ann said...

Ditto Kim :)