Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Top 10 Tuesdays

Top 10 signs you need a break:

10. You knit the same row of a baby blanket 6 times, and it still isn't right.
9. A long drive to a foster parents house is the best part of your day...you don't have to answer your phone because you can claim it's "not safe".
8. You actually said the sentence "The TFP called the FHC about the FCM, and the FHC told the CCC and CC about the problem". Apparently, using full words is too much of a hassle.
7. A large bag of gummi bears qualifies for lunch and dinner.
6. Scrubbing the stove top makes you burst in to inconsolable tears.
5. Your shoulders have risen to your ears and seem to be stuck there.
4. You blow through novels in 2 or 3 days, because it's easier to read than sleep.
3. Someone asks you how you're doing, and your honest answer is "I don't know".
2. Everyone's name comes out wrong, like Darlene becomes Dianne.
1. You refuse to drink a beverage that does not have caffeine.

I'm definitely feeling stressed and burned out. I can't wait to relax tonight at faux family dinner and bake biscotti.


Kim said...

Sounds like you need a break! Hope that you can find one soon!

Ann said...

Whew, that's a lot! I'm glad you'll have a chance to decompress...